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Everything posted by nerfboy621

  1. Then wake up for i will die very soon if tis pack not be reborn! Bad shakespeare or wutever
  2. Sorry bout that. Didnt know you could edit posts. Sorry about the 6xposting sentence row. I will edit next Time. EDIT: I will post the rest of my 'good' designs when the CEO comes back.
  3. Ill keep your words in mind - just got here from the old topic. Jeez. Amazing work he did there. hey deusoverkill not pushin but r u goin to update this pack for 0.16 cause i love this pack just wonderin
  4. can u try that to see if it works wut does it do if it does i will upload the rest of my crafts that work also id like to apply as a engineer if u like my designs
  5. hi may i have a rocket cpable of reaching minmus orbit but making it as light as possible mechjeb is optional and also i would also like a space plane that is capable of reaching about 600 m/s and it has to land easily cause i suck at landing.its stall speed would be 30 m/s. thank you in advance. ps how do i get to minmus pps u r awesome
  6. actually can u make 2 one manned and 3 manned cause i like variation sry if it takes up your time but if u cant let me know k thx it u do make two for me then many thx
  7. i would like a munar rockewt thats capable of reaching the mun(and maybe minmus),landing and returning home to kerbin.mechjeb allowed for this rocket cause i suck at even getting into orbit in 0.16
  8. probably a stupid question but how did u get the trees and such
  9. hey white owl if u press ctrl+alt+shift+d its a debug console so u can have like cheats and stuff dont have to reply
  10. thats true cause everytime he diees he just comes back
  11. lol shameless self promotion
  14. how owl where did all the .craft files for your ships go cause i dont see them cause when i get 0.16 i want to download them and all your mod packs adn its probably going to crash my laptop(yes my lap top) but i dont care keep up the good work(even though i cant see it cause im in china right now[vacation]and youtube dosent work in china).
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