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Ho Lam Kerman

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Profile Information

  • About me
    Resident Orbital Mechanic
  • Location
    On the VAB roof, watching a rocket launch with Val
  • Interests
    Spaceflight, KSP, science, bananas, bananas and bananas.
    (And Valentina. I have a crush on her.)

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  1. Hi! It's been... quite a while, shall we say, since I've been active on this site. My school in Hong Kong has been selected to send two students to attend a real-time conversation with the three astronauts currently aboard the Tiangong space station. If you've got any question ideas, send them here, I'll update you if I manage to get selected to attend.
  2. It's been a really long time since I've posted anything -56 +
  3. Oh. Just trying to keep everything orderly while we work out the snipe. If I’m not allowed to do that, please tell me. I’ll just mention you. 4 (+)
  4. 5 (+) As my English teacher would put it: Confuzzlement.
  5. Ok wait. No submissions while we work out the snipe. I caught you before you edited your post, so it's a valid revert. If you can edit after you revert then I could do that for literally any revert. It's not fair. I say we revert to +3.
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