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Ho Lam Kerman

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Everything posted by Ho Lam Kerman

  1. You know what, waiting is boring. I'll circumvent that and I'll reset the number to 40. Next post added a number, however the move was incorrectly stated. The poster did not correct the post. @GRS Go for it.
  2. @ILoveStars please correct your post. In the meantime, nobody move the number. The game mods will probably reset the number anyways.
  3. 30 (+) I've left the post there so any forum mods can see the bug. What's wrong with that? But fine, I will redact any buggy posts I make in the future. But that one stays.
  4. 28 (+) Objection, @Aperture Science. The post I made was actually posted after Scottadges's post, however due to a forum bug, the order was misplaced. I attempted to post again multiple times, all of which resulted in another forum bug merging all the comments. I hereby apply for resumption to 61. I have checked the game rules and there is no rule stating that appealing a game moderator ruling is not allowed. I hate you stupid forum bugs
  5. I'll try again. Hope it doesn't merge. 62 (+) YES IT WORKED
  6. 62 (+) 62 (+) MERGER! 62 (+) Merger again. Whatever. I give up.
  7. 55 (+) Don't do it too fast, or the bugs will start comin'.
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