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  1. Oh i forgot to say you only have 100 years to get as fast as you can! Sorry ;D
  2. So i've been playing KSP for 5 years now and i want to make a challenge! The idea is that you have to reach as high of a speed as you can in the kerbol system without mods, then record and submit it to this post i will be trying it soon Rules! 1.No mods or cheats or gliches (Yes that means lightspeed glitches as well) 2. Slingshots are allowed 3. no landings or docking to refuel the ship 4. The craft has to be launched off Kerbin so don't use cheats to teleport it to orbit 5. ION and Nuclear power is illegal! 6. Remember to record and post your top speed 7. no gaining any speed off the ground (No rovers or SSTO wheels) 8. Have fun! 9. You have 100 years to do this 1. MarvinKitFox with 95379.6m/s ;D
  3. Nice to finally know that! Thanks ;D
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