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    Jesse, I am the man who follows.
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  1. This is an alternate response to a StudySync assignment I wrote up in 25 minutes, the actual submitted answer was far more deadened and censored of truth (also had no unprofessional but highly applicable video game reference at the end) and did not attack the counterpoint writer as much, don’t worry. “Think of the teachers!” The assignment was over 2 short papers, a point and counterpoint (you will see this one be fired down with at least 4 flak cannons), which were both concerned with “how gaming helps communication, and the question was “which paper do you agree with more” This was reassigned to me lately because many classmates who got this assignment never finished it before break (not me thankfully) so I made another go at it:


    I would say I am highly inclined to agree with the 1st article due to my bias and experience with what the author of the counterpoint believes is selling your soul to the devil. Of course the counterpoint does make a precious few alright points that aren’t simply applying an insulting stereotype that depicts “gamers” as nasty and highly illiterate pigs who take pleasure in  insulting one another, but even these can be fired down by simply stating that being on the internet does not mean you have to be actively involved in the “wretched hives of scum and villainy” that they believe to be every single online community. The original point hits harder to me now during quarantine than it did at the time it was assigned, due to my only interaction with my friends being now through the program Discord (which it goes without saying that the author of the counterpoint would throw blows with those who even bring it up in conversation) and I am totally unable to see them in person. The technology brings people together, and the author of the counterpoint would argue “iT wEAkEns yOu’rE boNd wIf yOu’Re fAmily” This is not applicable because this is functionally the same as making up the time with your friends that an absence of real schooling removes. If anything, this time of quarantine is development of bonds between you and your family, and weakening bonds between friends. If the counterpoint’s author isn’t happy right now from that, then I don’t know what will. You pulled a full Sagume on us and predicted the antithesis of the future. Also, a little extra (you can read about it if you add another extra), when were the point and counterpoint written? I would like to know, due to the main point almost being written in commendation of an almost more modern era than the counterpoint tries to discredit and verbally eviscerate. 

    thank you for listening to my heresy and I will see myself out to my blast bunker plated with adamantium where I will wait out the impending fallout of the counterpoint writer’s anger.

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