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Phil Noir

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Everything posted by Phil Noir

  1. Yeah, I think the LS dashboards only shows projections which include fertiliser while in the VAB. Once in flight you'd have to look at your consumption rate of fertiliser to make a calculation.
  2. It is a pretty steep learning curve, but there is a wiki: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/wiki In in order to change functionality of a mks module once launched, you need an engineer on EVA, or you can set it to habitation before launch in the VAB. Also in the VAB, the USI animation cost in a part's details shows how many material kits, etc. it will need to inflate. I think you can launch it already inflated if you like.
  3. I'm pretty sure I've been seeing it since I started using the USI constellation (which was just before 1.4) I think I saw something in an old USI exploration thread, but it was from years ago, and didn't seem to get a response.
  4. I'm having a cosmetic issue with all of the usi mods: the particle effects on all the rcs modules points in the wrong direction - opposite to the direction of thrust. It's also a very big effect, bigger than 5m at full thrust, and is just a fuzzy white teardrop shaped blob. Stock rcs effects are fine. Is it a known issue, or is it just happening to me? I do have my graphics settings down pretty low, but that wouldn't explain the direction issue.
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