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Da'ud Vyd

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Everything posted by Da'ud Vyd

  1. Snark, thank you for these details. Here are the questions I'm trying to solve with Kerbal: 1. What would near future spacepanes or spacecrafts look like? 2. What would be their performance specs, advantages, and disadvantages? 3. What would be their volume and mass? 4. What would a deck plan look like? How much room do the engines take? The fuel? Are Kerbal rocket engines scaled down from their real world equivelents to match the size of Kerbals and the distance between planets in the stock solar system? Is it possible to change component specs (e.g. thrust, fuel efficiency) without much trouble? My current plan is to create a (somewhat) working prototype in Kerbal and then use 3d software to create my final version with some style and texture differences. It didn't look like Kerbal mods permitted commercial use.
  2. I'd like to use KSP as a guide to designing somewhat realistic spaceplanes and spacecraft for a tabletop role playing game. However, the characters in the game are human and they explore our solar system. Is it possible to use KSP to design vehicles for human beings? Is it possible to change the solar system to match our own? Any other limitations or mods I should consider?
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