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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I wonder if it's possible to program this so while actually in flight, the fuel tank will shrink as the fuel depletes and increase in size as it is refuelled. Would be an exiting concept to see, but great mod; I personally have no use for it but i can see how others would.
  2. This is genius! I can finally return some of my stranded capsules in orbit.
  3. Used this today to aid a misjudged orbit by adding fuel to the lower stages by taking it from reserve tanks that were meant to be for the lunar lander. I haven't used it to trade between ships yet but I am planning a Mid-Planetary Fueling station for 0.17 that will be located in Kerbin orbit. Great mod, but I do think that fuel transfer should not be instant and rather be an overtime process. (e.g 20L/s with Rocket Fuel, 10L/s with RCS Fuel)
  4. Tried this mod out and it is awesome! I've put tunnels in Mun and Minmus orbit and i plan to have one at the sun soon. I will use this for 0.17 once i have actually gotten to a planet without using this first. (then again I will have to get there first anyway) But keep it up! I'm surprised no one has made a Stargate mod yet as they seem to be very popular on mod-able games where they can be applied.
  5. I really like this mod but i can\'t reach the mun without the kerbins sufficating. :-[ Maybe I need more tanks but i keep thinking it will be too heavy.
  6. Looks really cool, I\'ll give it a try tommorow. I love the textures in this mod so how long did it take to do them?
  7. Time to make an A-10, looks really cool and please make more.
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