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  1. Get rid of the spaces after the commas in the part list. You can do it this way. var1 = 85 var2 = 0.006173 Volume = #$var1$ @Volume *= #$var2$
  2. I installed all of these via CKAN. Walkthrough of reproduction Fresh install of KSP 1.4.3. Through CKAN installed ToolbarController, ClickthroughBlocker, Antennae Helper, Part Wizard. In VAB, you can see buttons for Antennae Helper and Part Wizard. For some reason this time I didn't get AH in the TB options, but Part Wizard and ToolbarController twice, but no Antennae Helper. First time I've seen that happen. VAB with Toolbar Controller, Antennae Helper, and Part Wizard buttons showing KSP.log output_log.txt Exit game. Through CKAN, uninstalled Antennae Helper and Part Wizard, and installed KSPCasher and Hangar Extended. Toolbar Controller still only has options from after the first install. KSC with Toolbar Controller and KSPCasher buttons showing VAB with Toolbar Controller and Hangar Extended buttons showing KSP.log output_log.txt So, it IS putting the right buttons where they should be, just not updating the Toolbar Controller Options window with new buttons. EDIT: CKAN left the folders for Part Wizard and Antennae Helper after uninstalling them, and show up in the "Folders and files in GameData" section of the second KSP.log. Manually removed them and re-ran KSP, same result. VAB with Toolbar Controller and Hangar Extended buttons showing KSP.log output_log.text
  3. The 001_ToolbarControl/PluginData/ToolbarControl.cfg is only updated the first time the mod is run. Fresh clean install of KSP 1.4.3. Install ToolbarController, Antennae Helper, and Part Wizard. Run the game. All is good and the ToolbarControl window gives options for ToolbarController button, Antennae Helper button, and Part Wizard button. Close game down. Uninstall Antennae Wizard and Part Wizard. Install Hangar Extender and KSPCasher. Run the game. ToolbarControl window gives options for ToolbarController button, Antennae Helper button, and Part Wizard button. The only way to get it to update its cfg file is to uninstall/reinstall ToolbarController anytime you ever uninstall/reinstall a mod that uses it. And then only if you delete the entire directory manually. Uninstalling/reinstalling ToolbarController via CKAN leaves the 001_ToolbarControl/PluginData/ToolbarControl.cfg from the first time you ever ran it.
  4. The CKAN install for ToolbarController should include ClickThroughBlocker as a dependency. Right now it doesn't and that may explain some of the problems I saw people saying they had. Most of his mods seem to include it already on their own, but a few I saw didn't. Installing just HangarExtender and/or AntennaeHelper will not get you ClickThroughBlocker. If you already had it as a dependency from another mod it would work,. but if you didn't it would break. Hope that may help.
  5. It seems it should be a dependency for Blizzy's toolbar then, not everything else. As it is now, it's a pre-emptive dependency for another mod not everyone uses.
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