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Everything posted by Ciechosz

  1. And we can have floating parts! Thank you for the offset option!
  2. I wonder if performing an experiment on a ship that is later destroyed and thus not able to transmit or take it back to Kerbin reduces your gain from future experiments.
  3. Since update the scroll wheel doesn't work for me at all. I can't move the view up and down in VAN nor zoom in/out in flight view. Do you have the same problem? I cannot change input settings to use it - I open the input, choose control to change, scroll down or up, but game does nothing.
  4. There is Kethane Mod . You have to gather Kethane from other celestial bodies. Don't ask me much about it, i haven't ever used it.
  5. I agree. I don't like mechJeb, because it's too huge an complex for me. This mod is great. Just please add hiding the panel.
  6. Great mod, however the window doesn't show properly if there are more than one AdamKSP parts attached.
  7. I can't use physical warp outside the atmosphere (I want to use it burning engines). Is it a bug or a feature?
  8. I'm trying to calculate transfer from Mun to Minums, but the calculator doesn't work with parking orbit set to more than 637.
  9. Dxtory is good, but the lowest framerate drop I experienced with <a href="http://event.msi.com/vga/afterburner/download.htm">MSI Afterburner.</a> The video quality is very good and despite its name it doesn't require MSI video card.
  10. It has already been made: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=9344.0
  11. With small boosters it works too.
  12. Now it doesn\'t hurt me. The problem will appear, when another planets are added. Then there should be added an engine with high specific impulse, but low thrust (ie. ion engine). Accelerating without at least x2 will be pain :\'(
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