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Duck McFuddle

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Posts posted by Duck McFuddle

  1. Can you "terminate" them in the tracking station? If not, I would just ignore them - I have tons of debris floating around but I don't bother cleaning up. If It really becomes an issue, then I terminate some of them. 

    In the case that you can't terminate them for whatever reason and really want to get rid of them, then I guess you could do a rendezvous with a claw attached to your ship.

    I have never heard of this bug before, but I'm not the kind of player to really care about what bugs there are... Somebody else can probably tell you if it's common.

  2. Don't blame Minmus. 

    I love Minmus.

    Minmus is my happy place.

    You have personally offended me. 

    I'm joking.

    :D For real though it might not be Minmus's fault. Minmus does have very low gravity (One of the reasons it's good for beginners), so you will bounce a bit coming down too hard. HOWEVER! If you do everything possible and it still does something like this, it could be a bug. Glitches happen. Try validating your files, removing mods, basically just trying to eliminate any possibility of bugs. If all else fails, you can reinstall KSP - it's not the best option, but it should fix any issues. 

    Well, bottom line is to blame bugs first. Or maybe you're just doing something wrong.

  3. 15 hours ago, GRS said:

    Believe in yourself, a Jool 5 craft doesnt have to be big, except if you're planning to go with a "Fathership" (a ship that doesnt drop child landers), i can guarantee that the mass would exceed 5000 tons in total, maybe lower if you use NERVA, hyperedit is your best friend (for testing light landers).

    Well, to be honest, the things that are taking up the most time are the landers. I need to have enough DeltaV, I need to have all of the mining equipment, I need to have all the things required to land... And I really doubt I could do a fathership. 


  4. I love the idea that it would be tilted to line up with Minmus. I love going to Minmus (Look at my profile pic and rank name) and I hate having to fix the inclination. Minmus is a much more fun and interesting place to go, and for newbies, I think it would be better than the Mun. As for the idea of an axial tilt in general, I like it as well because it would add much more realism to the game.

  5. I suppose... But it still could be fun for setting up bases on far-out planets. As for it being immersion breaking, I agree... but kind of don't. It could perhaps be a mode that you could play in, for players that want to colonize and establish huge bases that, in real life, could have a communications hub. This would, of course, be optional, but I personally would enjoy playing in this mode - maybe a few more parts or systems could be added as well so the mode doesn't seem like a minor change. 

  6. This seems like a lot of mods... I'd have a pretty good computer before downloading all of these. Also, this might be a bit TOO hard... It might take the fun out of it. And if you want a realistic setting, try playing in the real solar system mode... I've never tried it myself, but it would be much more realistic. (Unless real solar system was in that list - might have missed it. Again, lots of mods!) 

  7. So what if there was a part that could create a consistent commlink as if there was a portable KSC on the ship itself. For example, if you sent a big space station to Jool with one of these parts strapped to it, then if you sent another probe to Jool it wouldn't have to have a connection to the KSC to function. This would be useful when you don't want to have a huge relay system just to send a probe out. This part would, of course, be very late in the tech tree, and also pretty expensive. It would not work for the ship it is on, so you can't just always have a connection wherever you go. There are several loopholes in this, but perhaps you would need full crew control for it to work so Kerbals would have to be on it. There might be a few (Or many ;)) flaws, but it's an idea.

  8. Like Gargamel said, which mods? Can we have names? Now, you call it an "Interstellar" probe, so does that mean you have more mods for other star systems? Or did you just build a huge ship that can "Escape" the sun's SOI? (Although you never really leave the sun's influence, no matter how far you go it will never say you are in interstellar space)

  9. So I have actually had this problem for a while now but have never asked it. As an example situation, let's say I'm going to Duna and want to have some detachable boosters on the side of the first stage. If I just attach them to the side of the ship by the side decouplers, they will wobble all over the place because they are attached by a very small point. That's not an issue, right? Just go back into the VAB and attach some struts going from the booster's nose cone to the first stage fuel tank. Easy. But then something strange happens when I am placing the struts - I'll stick the first point onto the nose cone, and then the second point on the fuel tank. But when I place the second point, it just teleports right next to the first point. Then I'll have to try over and over again to find a spot where this doesn't happen. It's starting to bug me. I have some mods installed, but this problem started before I had installed any of them so that's not the issue. I thought it might be that the struts were clipping through the nose cone, but it still happens if there is no possibility of clipping. Is this a bug or am I just doing something stupid?

  10. Rescue missions are actually pretty easy, but there are a few things to keep in mind. One thing that some people (Like me :P) forget is to have EXTRA SEATS for the stranded Kerbals. Another thing is that it is easier to land in a specific location if you have a polar orbit because then your ship will be orbiting vertically and the planet (With stranded Kerbal) will orbit horizontally. This makes it easy to wait for the two ships to be over/under each other. Then just send down the lander however you want (Apollo style or Direct Ascent style) and pick up your waiting passengers. Then hightail it back to Kerbin and give those guys a much-deserved rest after a few weeks on Duna. BUT!!!!! In your case, the ship is already in orbit so you need less DV to pick it up. It's pretty hard (At first) to rendezvous with a ship, so go find a good tutorial on docking. You could even try docking in Minmus orbit because of the lower gravity (Like in Matt Lowne's tutorial) and then go to Duna for the actual rescue. Good luck with the rescue!

    EDIT: Just remembered one more thing... Kerbals themselves have a lot of DV in their RCS packs, so you can actually go pretty far without a ship. IF worst comes to worst, just use the RCS to get to Kerbin orbit and then do a rendezvous. 

    EDIT 2: Well, just realized Snark said almost the exact same thing, so...

  11. So I was looking at the features of KSP and the features of SimpleRockets 2 (KSP is better!), and realized one important thing: SimpleRockets 2 has a planet builder coming when early access ends. Would KSP be able to make a feature like this? It might be hard to code, but it would be really fun and interesting. This could even take tons of stress off of the whole "More planets" thing that people are screaming for. I mean, if you could add your own planets from an easy-to-use editor, then instead of half the community yelling for more gas giants and the other half screaming for more rocky planets, anybody could just add more rocky or gas planets as they like. Would this be possible?

  12. This happened to me too. I wanted to get some mods, but they weren't showing up. This made me confused and I ended up having to reinstall KSP... long story. Anyway, I realized that the only mods that were showing up were the ones for my current version. If they were older, they wouldn't work. Now I only get the newest mods. So... Yeah. Check if your mods are new enough. If they are and they still don't work, then I have no idea... mods aren't really my area of expertise :wink:

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