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  1. Hi there! I'm new to the forum here but I love the game and am enjoying your mod so far, however I have been running into issues with the UI crashing. When I try to manage operations through the Pathfinder menu, or from a Ponderosa, a blank window will pop up, like this: And I have no way to close it. If I go to the pause menu and go back to the tracking station or space center, oddly enough the proper window will display in the black loading screen, but then the game camera will lock into place upon loading either the space center or my save from the tracking station, with no way to control anything or open any menus. The game will be running, sounds, physics, animations and all, but with no interactivity or camera control. This doesn't happen when managing operations from a Conastoga for example, but the same crash will happen when doing it from either the toolbar accessed Pathfinder menu, the Ponderosa, or the rec center. Also this may be a dumb question but sometimes when I recycle a part for equipment I don't see my equipment count rise in the Conastoga, and the Top Off Resources cheat in the Pathfinder menu doesn't seem to function. Am I doing something wrong?
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