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Everything posted by Nervenkobold_GER

  1. ty @Blasty McBlastblast but some sides are offline and i cant get all mods from side u wrote but overall ty for ur help greetings
  2. hello Angel-125

    a twitch streamer told me that u have KSP RSS RO skills ;)

    now i want to ask u can u help me too?

    1. Angelo Kerman

      Angelo Kerman

      No correct I have no RSS RO skill

    2. Nervenkobold_GER


      oh ok..sry...

      but what do u do at kap atm?

      do u have a youtube channel?

      because i will learn to fly :) 

  3. Ty so far... Which mods i need for RSS RO? Yes RSS and RO which another to make it realistic? Best wishes
  4. Im new at this forum. I have many hours with KSP but now i will go back to 1.2. and i will try RSS. Wich mods i need to have a really good realistic? I tried RO/RP 0 but i have the problem with my engines in vacuum. they dont start. i know i need presure in the tanks to have the fuel at the engines. Have i to play RSS with RO/RP 0 ? Im very grateful for helpful tips !!! Best wishes
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