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  1. Im not quite sure what happened, hopefully this link works https://imgur.com/gallery/2uqdJSg It should be a full mission report, only two things went wrong
  2. Hello everyone! After a few revisions I have come up with an STS-1b. https://imgur.com/a/2uqdJSg Once again, any and all feedback is helpful! Also any help with badges would be cool
  3. Thanks for the badge! I will heed all of your recommendations in further missions. I wasn't sure about the imgur albums and your tips are definitely helpful. Thanks for all the feedback and I will be back soon with my STS-1b Mission. p.s. How do I attach the badge to my posts and replies? Kinda new on this forum.
  4. Unfortunately I did that by accident, I quickly cut it and tried a parachute-less landing on the island runway.
  5. Hello Everyone! I've stalked this challenge and procrastinated for a while, but I've finally come up with my STS-1a Mission. A few unplanned disassemblies but thats ok. https://imgur.com/a/W6qawOn Any and all criticism is welcome! No mods involved had to remove them all due to 1.8
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