Hello, I am starting this thread for people to share what for them just "clicked" for them. I'll give an example from just today...
I have been searching the forum and YouTube trying to understand docking(specifically the rendezvous), I never could, at least not until today. I was looking at the physics of it and then it hit me like a rapidly decelerating crew cab Mk1. The way to rendezvous two ships in orbit is to take one into a higher or lower orbit to match velocities. I am sure for many of you this is child's play, but for me I had not realized it until a few minutes ago. I will provide a few pictures below, showing how I figured this out, but I am very glad that I did so because I can now build better space stations than one launch versions. Hope this sparks some discussion!
(Edit: Hope that fixed it...)
On to some Space Stations!