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Everything posted by Momo8289

  1. Thanks. So will it be good without any extra modifications?
  2. So, I'm getting a new laptop, and i want to know jf this one's GPU will be good enough. Id doesn't really give a lot of detail, but hopefully someone can help. Honestly i just want to know if this will run KSP well. Link: http://www.dell.com/en-ca/shop/cty/pdp/spd/inspiron-15-5575-laptop/ni155575_btsb_s8012e/configurations?cid=3852&st=&pdv=m&lid=5736660&VEN1=sIj9Al4at,177321299993,901mtv7630,m,&VEN2=,&dgc=st&dgseg=dhs&acd=1230881379501410&VEN3=519304314024641511
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