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Everything posted by jdalt40

  1. Hey Linuxgurugamer, would there be any formula (for the beacon’s end instead of the drive’s end) to calculate how efficient the jump would be to a beacon at a specific height? Just launching probes that reach the escape velocity of the sun and wanted to see how much it would effect jumping to it if it was at 100 GM or 200 GM. Also, is there any way possible to introduce a scroll bar? I’m finding it rather hard to jump because of the amount of beacons I have (they tend to go off screen, I don’t know if turning off the stock window option will fix it, and I probably should’ve checked before bringing it up here).
  2. Cool! I find it nice that you didn't give it constant limits (can't initiate under X, etc.), instead making the cost incredibly large to initiate the drive in LKO. I might try to travel via very large (7.5m or so) drives to test the viability of this :p.
  3. Hey Linuxgurugamer, amazing mod! Speaking theoretically, would you be able to initiate jumping in Low Kerbin Orbit with enough/larger drives?
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