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  1. @Beale@Friznit mir modules .craft files are still outdated, only core module is fully up to date. look like i'll have to stick with tantares for ksp 1.9
  2. @Beale missing updated mir modules .craft files, i have to sit with tantares for ksp 1.9 (i'm using 1.11) or else can't rebuild my stations. PLZ HELP!
  3. actually it's just missing parts from the mod itself, yet when i check the parts files are present in the mod directory AND the game is loading them at startup,idk why the craft won't load, outdated craft fime maybe? if so whe will @Beale update the mod to 1.11.1?
  4. @Beale and anyone else, need help with the mod, installed everything correctly latest version and all dependencies, yet i can't open the mir craft files, it keeps saying there is locked or missing parts, any advice?
  5. i dont use RO, and the craft name clearly states STOCK, what else can it be?
  6. @raidernick there seems to be an issue with all salyut stations, upon loading the craft in the vab the parts are very misaligned. like this: https://ibb.co/hRhHgyV what can be done to fix it?
  7. well, well....looks like @Beale is going to have a LOT of work next year to port Tantares to KSP2, but like he said, no one knows what the future holds, but anyway lets keep supporting his work in this awesome mod and hope for the best.
  8. hey @Beale wanna know about your future plans, maybe fixing us the n1 craft file? and about the sovet spacecrafts, any possibility of adding the venera series?
  9. is it a additional mod or part of tantares? wanna try it out, tell me how.
  10. Finally finished my station, combining Skylab, Salyut and Mir modules into a single massive orbital workshop! (may also build another based on a Mir/Zarya/Zvezda design when the .craft files for those modules are available) https://imgur.com/a/TdoInoc
  11. actually all i need is the mir modules .craft files to finish my station, and since bobcats files still have rights on them, are you at least allowed to use it's Priroda module as a reference to make a Tantares version?since its the only module i haven't seen on tantares.
  12. hey @Beale i managed to find bobcat's soviet parts..well since the mod itself and it's creator haven't shown up in the last 3 years i assume its ok to remake it or better yet, merge it into tantares. here's the link i found of the parts: https://github.com/albertovillalobos/sovietpack btw these are fairly old build but is the latest one, apparently you gotta update it to work with 1.7 since currently it only works with ksp 1.2.
  13. Now, i know that Bobcat's Industries mod has long since vanished alongside Spaceport, buf if any good soul around here managed to save it alongside its .craft files (especially the MIR space station) would anyone be so kind as to send them over to me? i know there is a mir space station in Tantares but its modules .craft files are missing from the dropbox folder ( incompatible with latest tantares release, gotta remake them) also accepting the Mir Modules.craft from tantares (latest known compatible version)
  14. @Beale in that case, if you still have the older .craft files that are compatible with their respective version of tantares would you mind sending them over? trying to attach a image from url but seems to not be working, anyway, here's my version of a "International Skylab" using Tantares alongside RN_Skylab and RN_Salyut. I attached a habitable Polyus to one of MIR's docking ports to replace Priroda (not at the right spot but whatever). Will add the other modules as soon as .craft files are available. https://imgur.com/a/W1Krb96
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