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Everything posted by Defectum

  1. @steve_v Yes! I have been running MSI afterburner and rivatuner statistics in the background! I will go and check now if it works when they arent running. Also I have updated my drivers now to version 398.36 EDIT: It works! Now I will try to open up RivaTuner again to see if it was the drivers or RT/MSIAB EDIT2: I have now confirmed that it is RivaTuner Statistics that causes the crashes
  2. It may be driver realated, but what drivers? If it is GPU drivers I will try to update it
  3. When I say 1.3.0 I say the base version, and when I say 1.4.2 it is the 1.4.2 version with making history Im opening directly through desktop shortcut yes (because when I open steam, like literally all my games starts updating), and both version works on the other computer. As for Squad Expansion it is the making history expansion PS: Why does all my content have to be approved by moderator xd
  4. KSP Version: 1.3.0 build 1804 and 1.4.2 build 2110 (this one is modded), Windows 10 64 bit What Happens: When opening KSP.exe the game loads but when opening KSP_x64.exe the game immediately crashes Mods / Add-Ons: 1.3.0 version is pure stock 1.4.2 version: B9PartSwitch CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree CryoEngines CryoTanks DeplayableEngines DynamicBatteryStorage FShangarExtender HideEmptyTechTreeNodes InterstellarFuelSwitch KerbalAtomics KerbalJointReinforcement ModRocketSys NearFututreConstruction NearFututreElectrical NearFututreLaunchVehicles NearFututreProps NearFututrePropulsion NearFututreSolar NearFututreSpacecraft PatchManager PersistentRotation SpaceY-Lifters Squad SquadExpansion StationPartsExpansionRedux TweakScale WarpPlugin ModuleManager.3.0.6 ModuleManager.3.0.7 Is tested with copying over the installation to another computer and it works, but not on my main computer Steps to Replicate: Enter KSP installation folder, open up KSP_64.exe, frame opens but is white, after 1 second there comes a popup where it says: KSP_x64.exe has stopped working, and windows is searching for a solution blablabla. After that it forces me to close program as nothing else can be done Result: Game crashes when using 64 bit version but works on 32 bit but the memory limitation is conflicting with all my mods. (I have 20GB of RAM) Fixes/Workarounds: Closing RivaTuner statistics Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files: NOTE: error.log is NOT generated and it seems like the output.log on both 1.3.0 and 1.4.2 version are almost identical. The only difference is that on the 1.3.0 log it says at the bottom: desktop: 2560x1440 144Hz; virtual: 5920x1440 at -1680,0 output.log (1.4.2): https://pastebin.com/h549HvKU output.log (1.3.0): https://pastebin.com/UstnQsD3
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