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Posts posted by farmerben

  1. 7 hours ago, vyznev said:

    I might try this later. In the mean time, some random thoughts:

    • It looks like most (all?) attempts so far have spent some time coasting under time warp. That's wasted time that could've been spent accelerating (and later decelerating), if one just had more delta-v. Over two hours seems long enough that nukes or even ions might be worth using for their high Isp (and consequently high achievable delta-v), even with their low TWR.
    • At the kinds of velocities and accelerations involved, both Minmus and Kerbin gravity should be basically negligible. So is the orbital motion of Minmus, too. That means it should possible to approximate the ideal flight profile with some basic high school physics.

    In particular, I believe an ideal flight profile (using stock KSP with no fancy autopilot / landing assist mods) should look roughly like this:

    1. Time warp until Minmus is near its ascending / descending node.
    2. Time warp further until Minmus is overhead from KSC.
    3. Set Minmus as target and burn towards it until your remaining delta-v approximately equals your velocity relative to Minmus (with a bit of safety margin).
    4. Turn around and coast (hopefully not too long) until your time to target is somewhere around half(!) your total remaining burn time.
    5. Burn retrograde to slow down. Make sure not to miss the target.

    (The "half your remaining burn time" estimate is assuming constant thrust and neglecting gravity. A proper suicide burn calculator should be able to give a more accurate estimate, or you could just quicksave and use trial and error to find the optimal start time for the deceleration burn.)

    That's pretty accurate.  Nukes are not adequate to slow down 6000 within Minimus' sphere of influence.  I've switched to the aerospike for the final stage, in fact I want higher TWR to slow down than initially.


    I haven't been worrying about the AN/DN etc.  Launching when nearly overhead works well, I can just hold straight up to escape Kerbin then eyeball it onto target pretty easy.  Holding toward target on the navball works for most of the burn.  

    New personal best 2 hrs 3 minutes (still struggling).  Also I'm relying on 5 layer onion staging, as asparagus is too Kraken prone for me.

  2. On 11/20/2022 at 3:08 PM, physius said:

    How did you manage 5 hours 44 minutes, that's nuts!

    I launched vertically when Minimus was directly overhead.  Once I was above the Karman line I corrected course a little bit East.  I lined up my trajectory with the center of Minimus, then I would burn prograde, then course correct.

    Eventually I figured out the angle on the Navball where I could burn continously and stay lined up with Minimus.

  3. I landed on the Mun and then back on Kerbin in 3 hrs 26 minutes.

    I launched when the Munwas exactly overhead, which hits an approach course.  I found a vector between radial and prograde which was close to directly at target, and burned half my fuel while aimed directly at the Mun.  

    Crashed and quickloaded a few times, I landed on the Mun at 1 hr 46 minutes.  I was landed near the part of the Mun closest to Kerbin, so I launched straight up and then was able to burn the rest of my fuel on a vector aimed at Kerbin.  I set my hyperbolic periapsis to 10000m, the ablative heat shield did its job. and brought me to a safe parachute landing.

  4. After a shakeup in KSP management, an order came down that unused inventory that has sat for more than a year must be used immediatelly or scrapped.  Even with the sudden flurry of new missions, nobody wants the humble puff engine.

    In order to use up this otherwise wasted inventory you decide on an otherwise impossible to fund mission.  The moon Tylo is thought to be seismically dead, but you decide to prove it one way or the other once and for all.

    Design a probe using only the puff engine, carry a seismometer, antenna, and generate power.  You will need over 500 charge to transmit seismic data, and probably some extendable solar panels.


    You may cheat to Tylo orbit using alt F12


    Here is mine:  




  5. Burning and decomposition on the surface release gases right away.  But underground carbon is different.  Terra preta includes underground charcoal pits.  Burried wood without char is called hugelkulture, and it is good too.  

    The living humic acids in the prairie soils of Illinois cycle about every thousand years.  That's mostly leftover carbon from before agriculture when tallgrass prairies were regularly flooded, burned, and trampled by bison.


    Soil with plant cover is not exposed to the sun, so darker soil is generally better. 

    By my calculations turning the atmospheric CO2 into graphite would cover the planet in about one mechanical pencil's worth... like half a millimeter.  That much carbon absorbed in the top few feet of topsoil is feasible and would do no harm.   

  6. That's pretty good.  My first attempt took 6 days 2:30 .  I flew direct without orbiting either body.  But I didn't want to accelerate halfway because I got my apoapsis lined up with minimus.


    second attempt: 3days 1:30


    third attempt:  fatal crash 3 hours 21 minutes, collision with Minimus at over 3000m/s


    fourth attempt: 5 hours 44 minutes success

  7. 5 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

    The wood which stays solid, extracts the carbon from air and accumulates it in inert solid form.
    Rotten wood releases it back and doesn't help with that.
    Thus, the planet lungs are cold Northern bogs, rather than jungles.

    We should be cutting trees (leaving the area for the new trees) and bury them underground, bu making wooden pit props for the coal mines.

    Wait, isn't what the dwarves of the Middle Earth were doing?


  8. This is a fun way to play.  The science development is much slower than with a manned campaign.  I cheated 70 science, but did not use kerbals to explore the KSC.  The first time through I nearly completed the science tree, with a massive nuclear Jool ship carrying 8 science jr, and the rest.  It's hard to say whether Eeloo and Moho have enough science to finish the tree, though there are a bunch of biomes I have not landed on.  Before completion the Kraken started killing my campaign, probably due to 4 or 5 sentential tracking asteroids.  I could turn them off and try to keep going, but I restarted another campaign.

    The second time through was easier do to better balance of always using double mystery goo, unlocking the small reaction wheel as fast as possible, and other things.

    Both times through money was not object, satellite missions pay well and its often possible to get several with one probe.

  9. This is fun!  I thought I needed mechjeb to pull it off, but I managed it manually.  My vessel had 8 panthers which handled the entire landing.  I also had 16 aerospikes and 1 vector.  A cupola, and hitchhiker storage module had room for 5 kerbals.  I used airbrakes and reaction wheels.  

    I forgot how to post screenshots.  If I'm reminded how I will post a few.

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