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Everything posted by kerbalboy65

  1. for the 0.17 - 0.18 update and you sort out the gliching screen from when you click the launch button to go to runway / launch pad as when you click the button the screan shows the image of the ground but sideways and gliches out but then responds and shows your rocket on the launch pad readdy to go this bug has bean around as far as i know from 0.13 and it would really improve the game as im sure other players are anoyed with this bug
  2. hi umm yes i got the c7 and kw and the exploding bulchead bolts but what els is needed becuse as i try to open oxcart 8 it dose work is there an mod that u havent told us
  3. you need to downlode the mod fromt the place where you got it from you then need to exract the file i suggest to your desck top opne the ksp folder go to your parts forlder inside the ksp folder you have open the luna mod go to the mods parst and hilight all the parts and click and drag the mod parts in to your ksp parts folder close the mod file and the ksp file open the ksp file agen (if u dont close it it will be gliched) open the file and go to the ksp game on the game click start game go to the rocket building room and you shold when u look through u should have all the moded parts (note if this is wrong u need to delete the parts and re try from scratch this might not work for other pack because i tryed the nova punch and it dosent work so i tryed theis one and its awsom 176 sucsessful flights to the moon and back) hope this help by danny/kerbalboy65 8)
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