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Omniscient Walrus

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  1. Forgot to reply. Yeah, I've watched some of his stuff but he doesn't really have any very long ones that I know of. Already watched it yeah, put the pointy end towards the atmosphere on reentry. Really worked well on Soyuz 5!
  2. I installed this to the direct manual installation that the directions called for. It loads fine, until "Expansion Loading Complete" then it freezes and KSP quits. No error logs are shown or appear. (I have no other mods installed)
  3. Ah! Thanks. I just finished Charlie Pryors "Conquering Kerbal" Which is 101 episodes, so I wanted to find something that I could binge for some time.
  4. I've been looking around on YouTube for a long running, heavily modded KSP lets play. Any suggestions?
  5. My confusion was that other people seemed to have been getting it ready. Of course, now looking at post dates, they were in previous 1.4 versions. So nevermind...
  6. How can you get resale to work in 1.4.5? I have all the up to date dependencies, and other people seem to get it working on this version, but all I get is miniavc telling me that my version is not supported, and it not loading.
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