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Everything posted by Mynorus

  1. Hmm... Major in 'Space Science' (What the class 'gneius' called it), 25 years old, Strong enough to pick up a 35-pound cat, and slight motion sickness... Why not?
  2. Very nice, Anariaq. You\'re a lot farther than I am (Still modeling), and you\'re doing good. The problem? I\'m a programmer, not a modeler.
  3. Nice, Slilisko. So, how about them parts..? (not trying to rush, just asking)
  4. 0.7.3 I was a lurker for a looong time, and I finally worked up the courage to join. It\'s-a me, anti-social Mynorus!
  5. Welcome to the forums! Wubwubwubwubwub! Mynorus Ha, beat ya, Skunky!
  6. Nope. Pinnacle studio. Someone who will make a decent question.
  7. Very nice. My only questions are)A( how do you texture the models? and )B( How do you 'Cut up' the model into several different ones? This is my current shuttle, the Fyar-Sh0ck. As you can see, the model is quite a bit different than the drawing.
  8. Well, seeing as the first model isn\'t exactly as stellar as I thought, and due to blender crashing every time it loads, here is FYAR-SH0CK 2.0!
  9. Thanks, Tiberion! I\'ve begun to model the shape of it, and it\'s turning out a bit better than I expected! Now for the tutorial...
  10. Hiya. I\'m a newly-using (By that I mean that I can spawn a cube, sphere, cone, etc...) blender-head, and I want to make a spaceplane. Keep in mind that I have no idea how to model, and that I specialize in programming. That means I can get the .cfg documentation fine. However, as stated above, I have no prior knowledge to modelling, so I will accept all help I can get. I\'ve watched a few tutorials about modelling, but they are too complicated (coming from a programmer) for me to understand. So, I\'m asking for help. Thanks in advance! TL;DR: I have no ideal how to model in blender. Help! EDIT: All pictures are up, and ready to model! Remember, all tips are welcome!
  11. So it\'s an upsized Soyuz module?Methinks I need to read up a bit...
  12. Also, Generick needs to be swapped out. He\'s been dead for the month, and the smell is starting to get to me.
  13. It\'s not that hard to make a .cfg out of nowhere. (coming from a programmer)
  14. Nice. Can\'t help you with that, but that looks pretty nice. If only I could model...
  15. Oh god, mine is horrible. EDIT: Better... Better-est... C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER
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