Sounds simple doesn't it? Just wait 'till you see the rules. So the basic idea is that you must build a rocket and land on the Mun. When you take off again you must get re-captured by Kerbin and retro-burn to get a re-entry trajectory, and ultimately land at a maximum of 2km away from the KSC. I thought of this challenge when I was recording an episode of my KSP series and I accidentally landed just 1083.5m from the launch pad. Here is the episode, which will show give you a better idea of the challenge (and prove it is possible): <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> RULES: 1) NO MODS of any kind. This includes modded parts, automated systems or autopilots such as Mechjeb, or orbit trajectory calculators. Normal or scientific calculators can be used if you need them. 2) You MUST land on the Mun before returning to Kerbin. 3) You MUST set a re-entry trajectory immediately after escaping from the Mun. You may do orbital corrections or tweaks along the way but you must NOT enter a low Kerbin orbit first to plan the descent more precisely. (I.e. no Hoffman Transfers). 4) NO GLIDERS OR POWERED DESCENTS! You may tweak your descent using your rocket until you enter the atmosphere, but as soon as you enter the atmosphere you must jettison ALL but the capsule and parachute so ONLY THE CAPSULE LANDS (plus anything else attached to the top if using the large capsule, e.g. ladders, SAS modules, parachute etc). No space-plane parts may be used to assist the descent through the atmosphere, but you may use them on the rest of the rocket if you need them. (You will need to take all of this into account when designing your rocket!) 5) You MUST record the whole flight. If you can't record the flight regular screenshots may be used, but only a fully recorded flight will provide enough proof that you properly followed the rules.