I've lurked around on the forum since I got the game a few months back. I learned, I laughed, I installed many mods. However, only now did I suddenly decide to create a forum account. The tale, for those interested while awaiting the completion of a Jool-transfer, is thus:
While setting up my third KSP install (the first is my normal one, the second is multiplayer, and the third is my realism-intensive one) I experienced a bug with SVT and Sigma Dimensions having a sibling-squabble, which resulted in the complete and total blackout of Kerbin's surface. As charmingly space-like as this was, I desired being able to actually see how far my plane was from the ground. (Disclaimer: no accidents actually occurred, as Valentina was the pilot. (Further disclaimer: Jeb is now released from his padded room and back on flight duty, fully appreciative of the dangers of using sounding rockets to open wine bottles. No similar accidents shall occur in future. JEB. I'M WARNING YOU.)) Going to the SVT forum thread, I was about to create an account and enunciate my lamentations in the hopes that the esteemed developer would have a clever solution, but then I noticed another forum-denizen had not only experienced the same tarry Kerbin, but had invented a work-around. Testing it, it worked, and I had no need to make my own post. However, I was filled with a presumably Kraken-sent sense of gratitude for this unknown random individual, and promptly decided to create an account to thank this person, as well as others who have been massively helpful. A very beneficial but totally not gleefully-to-be-indulged-in side effect of now being here is that I can brag about discuss the success of each and every gloriously over-bloated da-Vincian contraption carefully precision engineered spacecraft that actually succeeds mostly intact.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must express my greatest appreciation to the aforementioned bugfixer, and then investigate that curiously unplanned plume of black smoke rising from the VAB.
I expect it's Jeb.
TL;DR: hai everybody :3