Hi Igorz and thanks a lot to keep this mod alive. I have some trouble to put back experiments in the crate. I can grab and attach it, run it, finalize... when i grab experiment (g) and trying to put them into open inventory, my mouse cursor seem to stay "behind" inventory window and not detecting it. Am i missing something ?
I just realized that i can't put back in inventory ANY items (mods's items and stock part) Everything work fine but when i slide object in inventory the windows doesn't detect it, cursor is behind inventory window without interact with it. I'll try my luck on KIS forum
Here a screenshot https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kM6IkjpUwDsc24GLyeLhiprKQOF0AwOe/view?usp=sharing
I just run a fresh version with only kis, kas, and NEOS installed with CKAN on latest version of ksp. Same issues i begin to think that i missed something here....
Sorry for the poor english.