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Everything posted by Opsium

  1. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for visual mods. I have noticed in ksp videos that visual mods tend to be buggy and break textures, is there any way I can avoid this?
  2. Hello, I'm fairly new to ksp and have recently sent my first interplanetary mission to Duna. My ship consisted of four landers with 1 RA-2 relay on each and another RA-2 relay on top. Things were fine till I began landing the landers. I landed two and began the process of deorbiting the third lander when all the sudden i had no probe control. After a bit of fiddling I decided to research relay strength (before this i had never left kerbin soi so not having enough signal strength was not a problem.) I found what i needed and made it. I then made the rocket to get it there. Unfortunately i could not recreate the success of my first Duna mission. So, i guess what i am asking for is tips on getting to Duna and having a satellite in high enough orbit to maintain a constant connection to Kerbin without spending a ton of delta-v circularizing.
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