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    At the drawing board

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  1. yeah exactly like that but (as you said) using the kerbal jetpack.
  2. Would it be possible to mod the game so the kerbals can use their eva packs rcs and their paragliders to make a paramotor.
  3. what is only 1 star system was loaded at a time not all 10 and you can use warp methods to get to one another (this is starting to sound like No Mans Sky)
  4. that's the one, caused by a computing power spike or a "PHYSICS BOMB" as it said at the beginning of the video.
  5. I know this is a lot to ask but i was wondering if star systems could be added to the game and more late game tech (500+ SCIENCE) and the ability to travel to these systems via normal methods or maybe a warp engine. i am thinking as you progress further the parts get more and more op but with a draw back of cost, science to unlock. now if this does get implemented it will probably be only an additional 9 star-systems and just shy of 100 new parts (there are already about 300 in game at the moment). Now i know i will get some feedback saying this is unrealistic or that's a lot of work for the devs. I respect that but i thought that i would share my ideas with you via the fourms. If i receive any questions i will try to reply and answer as many as i can.
  6. I had that once two. It is caused when the game receives a spike in computing power while loading the vessel. When i say spike i mean something like multi tasking with an internet browser.
  7. Great Job. It looks to be very effective. BTW i recognize you from the K-Prize nice to see you here.
  8. The challenge is to make a para-motor that can fly land refuel and repeat Rules are No Mods with the exception of visual mods and no alt-f12 Photos or Videos are Required for proof
  9. Here is my one 1 2 3 I did a drogue assisted landing (nose first xD) and made sure a orbited around Kerbin at least once my ship weighed 17.849t
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