Complete vanilla 1.4.2 career mode.
I looked up for some video tutorials on YouTube, but these ones were pretty small and light while mine looks like this and weighs about 700 killos
Two seats for the pilot and scientist, the experiment storage unit are for testing purposes since i wasn't sure how the kerbals will store the data without it (my mission is to collect the data from all mun biomes) and i was about to test it, but a lot of problems appeared.
After about 2 hours of testing different builds i realised that it's pretty hard in terms of stability to transport that thing, also had troubles with fuel on landing + wasn't sure how exactly i'm supposed to land it - should i build it underneath the fuel tanks and place the rockets on sides making my rocket VERY unstable or should i build it on side making it even harder to land since i need to drop it?
Am i missing something in building or maybe science? Just in case you wonder (230 science left).