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Posts posted by Borv413

  1. Ok, So I just got started in a new 1.9.1 modded save after mostly staying in version 1.7.3 pretty much since 1.7.3 was released. When I was planning a maneuver node to transfer to another body, the patched conics were showing encounters several orbits in the future. This is the reason why I don't play versions past at most 1.8.1. In my opinion, it makes KSP unplayable for all Intents and Purposes. I hugely prefer for the orbital predictions to show what happens on the first and only the first orbit. I have done many, many, gravity assists in versions 1.8.1 and before, and how the game predicts orbits is perfect for what I want to do. For me It makes the best sense to me. I have no clue why SQUAD did away with this feature.

    So, does anyone know how to make 1.9+ orbits work like 1.8.1( preferably 1.7.3) and before?


    Also this is my first real thread

  2. 1.9.1 says that this mod's dll file is not compatible with it. fix?

    Here's the end of the log:

    [LOG 00:23:23.169] [ModuleManager] Intercepted a ReflectionTypeLoadException. List of broken DLLs:
    SoundtrackEditorForked GameData\SoundtrackEditorForked\Plugins\SoundtrackEditorForked.dll

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