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Posts posted by 100%notUsingGotoIpromise

  1. 3 hours ago, blackrack said:

    It's working fine on 1.6 as far as I know.

    I'm working on it, though I'm not targetting a 1.6 release or anything like that, just working on some features and when I'll be happy with them I'll make a release.

    Can confirm now that it works quite well in 1.6.1, just wanted to know what the current status looks like.

    Why not change the title to [1.6.x] ? I think scatterer works well enough on 1.6 to be considered "updated" or suitable.

    PS: Thanks for making this awesome mod! Can't wait to see the new updates / features!

  2. This looks phenomenal!

    How's Fps though? I'm sure with so much detail there's going to be a lot of trouble performance wise?

    Don't get demotivated by negative comments, those people haven't seen the pictures yet:D. I mean seriously, so far it looks insane, good job!


    PS: Can't wait to see the sun & flare overhauled.

  3. I'm currently looking for a way to read information from KSP (ingame) on my main pc and use a Raspberry Pi 3 to display the information.

    My main pc will play the game and I want to use my raspberry pi with 7-Segment display.

    I just need a way to transfer data from my pc to the pi or even simpler just aquire the data, from there I can code the Pi 3 & 7-Segment Display by myself.

    So how can I read information like the height, velocity etc...?

    I have a good portion of programming expierence in Python, C++ & Web but some to none expierence with C# which is needed for KSP.

  4. 10 hours ago, MOARdV said:

    There is at least one mod that replaces the skybox texture.  If you want to figure out how to replace skyboxes, you should download the source to one of those mods and figure out how they did it.  As for stars fading in and out, assuming you mean something like "the skybox disappears in bright light", then the DarkenSky class in Distant Object Enhancement should show you how to cause the skybox to dim.  There's a single global value that controls the skybox brightness.  Unfortunately, it appears that there's no real discipline or control to accessing it, so stock KSP and mods merrily stomp on the value.

    is version 1.9.1 of DOE compatible with KSP 1.4.5? The github release says 1.4.2 but I'm not sure....

    But thanks for the answer, will definitely try that out.

  5. 3 hours ago, sumghai said:

    [MOD - Moved to General Mod Development Help and Support subforums, as this is a question regarding modmaking that does not (yet) fall under one of the specific mod dev help subforums]

    Judging by how many replies occur on this subforum, I highly doubt any replies will be coming in over the span of a month so could you redirect this post back to the original forum categ?

  6. I'm new around here so please use thin spoons instead of thick knifes ,k?;).

    As some might have noticed, there are quite a lot of mods out there and a lot of them can completely change Kerbal Space Programm into a whole new game.

    Lets not do that, I want to start with something easy that will not kill my clock & circadian rhythm.

    The goal is to create a skybox like this one :Good looking Skybox

    But that would be a little bit too easy. On top of that I also want to put in an effect that will make stars fade in and out.

    Where do I need to start?

    I already have C++, C , Java and Web coding expierence but I need understand firstly how to communicate with ksp's api though I think the issue lays somewhere else since we're trying to modify visuals but what do I know.



    I want to create a skybox with stars fading in and out.

    Of course I could download Texture Replacer and an Andromeda 8k Skybox but what's the point of learning then? <-- Plus I want to add other visual things that are not present in any visual mods ;)

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