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  1. I will try a different version of krpc on the weekend and see, if that solves my problem. Furthermore, I will reinstall all mods and see if that fixes something. Thank you!
  2. I updated the Starting-Post with the information about my currently setup, it seemed to me that that might help
  3. As I only use KSP to test fun / interesting things on the side if I am bored of other games, I can proud say SANDBOX!
  4. Worked on my school project where I try to do the BFS style landing with a python script (like Scott Manley did), but with KSP 1.4 and Infernal Robotics - Next instead of the old one.
  5. Hi guys, for a school project wanted to to some BFS style landings and tried krpc with Infernal Robotics and a python script to build it. Unfortunatly, my script is not working at all. I can run it and krpc get a popup that a scripts want to connect, but if I run it it says "RESTART" and thats all. As if it never get over the initial connection with krpc. Can somebody please help me? My setup: KSP-Version: Steam, 1.4.2 CKAN 1.25.4 Kronal Vessel Viewer with Click Through Block and Toolbar Controller (installed with CKAN) KRPC 0.4.8 Kerbal Engineer Redux Infernal Robotics - Next beta3 for KSP 1.4.2 # Import benötigter Module import krpc # Aufbau der Verbindung zu KRPC und Auswahl der aktiven Raumfähre verbindung = krpc.connect(name='Alpha ') faehre = verbindung.space_center.active_vessel # Anlegen von Variablen um die Servos zur Steuerung ansprechen zu können lb = verbindung.infernal_robotics.servo_with_name(faehre,"LinkerBug") rb = verbindung.infernal_robotics.servo_with_name(faehre,"RechterBug") lh = verbindung.infernal_robotics.servo_with_name(faehre,"LinkesHeck") rh = verbindung.infernal_robotics.servo_with_name(faehre,"RechtesHeck") # Ausgabe der aktuellen Position der Servos print lb.name + " " + str(lb.position) print rb.name + " " + str(rb.position) print lh.name + " " + str(lh.position) print rh.name + " " + str(rh.position) # Anlegen von Variablen für die Servopositionen, setzten auf 0 lbp = 0 rbp = 0 lhp = 0 rhp = 0 # Überprüfen ob die Bremse aktiviert wurde # Wurde die Bremse aktiviert, # wird der 'Servo-Modus' gestartet, der erlaubt, über die # Spielsteuerung die Seitenleitwerke mithilfe der Servos zu kontrollieren bremse = vessel.control.brakes servoModus = False while(1): if vessel.control.brakes: if bremse != vessel.control.brakes: rhp = -45 lhp = 45 rbp = -45 lbp = -45 rh.move_to(rhp,5) lh.move_to(lhp,5) rb.move_to(rbp,5) lb.move_to(lbp,5) bremse = vessel.control.brakes servoModus = True else: if bremse != vessel.control.brakes: rh.move_to(0,5) lh.move_to(0,5) rb.move_to(0,5) lb.move_to(0,5) bremse = vessel.control.brakes servoModus = False # Bewegungen entlang der Roll-Nick-Gier-Winkel if servoModus: neigen = vessel.control.up bewegung = False if(neigen != 0): bewegung = True if(neigen < 0): lbp = lbp + 0.5 rbp = rbp - 0.5 lhp = lhp - 0.5 rhp = rhp - 0.5 if(neigen > 0): lbp = lbp - 0.5 rbp = rbp + 0.5 lhp = lhp + 0.5 rhp = rhp + 0.5 gieren = vessel.control.right if(gieren != 0): bewegung = True if(gieren > 0): lbp = lbp + 0.1 rbp = rbp + 0.1 lhp = lhp - 0.1 rhp = rhp + 0.1 if(gieren > 0): lbp = lbp - 0.5 rbp = rbp - 0.5 lhp = lhp + 0.5 rhp = rhp - 0.5 rollen = vessel.control.forward if(rollen != 0): bewegung = True if(rollen > 0): lbp = -45 rbp = -45 lhp = 45 rhp = -45 if(rollen < 0): lbp = 0 rbp = 0 lhp = 0 rhp = 0 if bewegung: rh.move_to(rhp,1) lh.move_to(lhp,1) rb.move_to(rbp,1) lb.move_to(lbp,1) Thank you! HCF
  6. Can I get my name changed to HCF (H-C-F if the former is too short)? Thanks
  7. Hi, is there a program which can draw a tree of parts like those seen here (Figurine 1 and 2)? I would like to use one for a project. Thanks
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