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  1. Don't ask about why there are so many landing legs. I don't know.
  2. I installed a new version of Kopernicus that said it was for 1.7 and then uninstalled it when it said that I shouldn't load my savegames. But now Moho, Gilly, Ike, Dres, the Jool moons, and Eeloo are gone and I can only load some of my saves. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling KSP with steam but nothing changed.
  3. What are your favorite planet packs that I shoiuld download
  4. https://imgur.com/c7lCs0y Landed on vall for the first time. With a tiny lander
  5. I finally made a rocket that could land on Tylo. However, I was using a very fast timewarp and timewarped past my laythe capture, and now I have to Load my last save! I then got mad and started making a propeller plane, but it is not done.
  6. Realizing i'm orbiting the sun, about to encounter eve, and I realize there's no decoupler between the fairing and my lander
  7. What is an obvious fact? Kerbals made a pact, that there is no rap in space, or else no funds for your face
  8. And the Kerbals will be awake and going up into space.
  9. Thx for all the help. The plane took off and worked fine!
  10. I couldn't get the pic so here;s the file https://pastebin.com/vRkApVqY
  11. I need help making a mk3 or mk2 plane that can get into orbit. First, they steer off the runway, and I have to add 14-20 rapiers to even get off of the runway. What can I do?
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