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  1. Sorry, that's the only mod I know of that meets your criteria. Maybe there's some way to install it if you dig deep enough? People in the forum comments seem to be using it somehow.
  2. Found the mod and part (a "fft" prefix is probably from FarFutureTechnologies), but I don't know enough about B9PartSwitch to say whether the problem is in the cfg or somewhere else: https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/FarFutureTechnologies/blob/master/GameData/FarFutureTechnologies/Parts/Engines/Fusion/fft-fusion-magnetic-mirror-1.cfg MODULE { name = ModuleB9PartSwitch moduleID = lengthSwitch switcherDescription = #LOC_FFT_switcher_fusion-mirror-length_title On first glance, "Could not find matching module" kind of sounds like B9PartSwitch isn't installed, but the beginning of the message sounds like it must be because it's coming from that mod.
  3. That might be the case, if they knew what the situation was, which would be helped greatly by reporting any text that the computer is giving you about the problems. (Sorry if I'm going on and on, but as someone who writes warnings and error messages and often spends significant time and effort working out what they should say to make the issue and resolution path clear, it can be discourating and frustrating when that sort of programmer effort doesn't have the intended effects.) Ooh, just remembered: Don't feel like you have to type out a long message! Not only is it usually easier to capture a screenshot, but it's often better as well because it can convey aspects of the context that would not otherwise have been shared, such as which mod is reporting the message, what else is going on at the time, product versions, etc.
  4. FYI, you'll usually get better help quicker if you report what the messages said, since they often contain important information about what the problem is.
  5. Have you taken a look at the troubleshooting guide for this mod? https://github.com/mockingbirdnest/Principia/wiki/Installing,-reporting-bugs,-and-frequently-asked-questions#troubleshooting No, there isn't. The closest you can get to that is to uninstall the DLCs if you have them, especially MakingHistory so the mission editor isn't sitting in the background taking up space. Or install: https://spacedock.info/mod/2052/Making Less History This mod can also improve performance by fixing certain bugs in the stock game:
  6. You left out the most interesting part: install: - find: HotAirBalloon install_to: GameData This tells us that the mod's folder in the ZIP and in GameData is named "HotAirBalloon". This is what would be used in Module Manager clauses like :NEEDS[HotAirBalloon] if other mods needed to reference this mod. It's traditional for CKAN identifiers to match Module Manager identifiers when possible.
  7. Any new information here? Sounds like this guy is just regurgitating the already known to generate new "content".
  8. Gauss (1820s AD), not Euclid (300 BC). Only off by two millennia or so.
  9. Inherit from ScenarioModule, slap on a [KSPScenario] attribute, and override OnLoad and OnSave, and the game will give you your own ConfigNode in the save file to do with as you please. Here's how I did it: https://github.com/HebaruSan/PlanningNode/blob/faa12a59ce935fc5fa59a17fa8e2f63e8c98b661/Source/PlanningNodesManager.cs#L11-L44
  10. Indeed, there's an effort to achieve that under way:
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