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  • About me
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    Stuck in a very eccentrical orbit around Kerbol
  • Interests
    Rocket Science! [possibly engineering]

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  1. That is what I was doing, Though it was tedious. Quick question, how do I attach the log?
  2. What? I can't find the Kerbal pics anywhere, even on a manned craft.So, I can't do EVA or IVA.
  3. https://imgur.com/gallery/HKF4Wdx is where you can find the pics for my new craft!https://kerbalx.com/Bluevapor1234/Rabbid1 is where you can download it!

    1. Chel


      Looks cool! You should post this in Spacecraft Exchange

  4. I have never experienced that in 1.4.5, So I don't know what to say. I also am in 1.5.1 so I probably won't have that problem.
  5. How many posts do I need to get promoted?

    1. Chel


      You gotta do posts on any forum except The Lounge, and status updates, messages, and status replies do not count. 

      I know that I require 1500 posts to reach 5 dots (AKA transcending this plane of existence)

  6. Got the expansion on sale. Horray!

  7. Post your remakes or different types of Gyro planes here! Please use this link for the plane: http://www.Kerbalx.com/Bluevapor1234 Got the link right
  8. If I post more do I get another dot?


    Stop reading

    Im serious



  9. I figured out how to make it work after looking on Github.com and installed the Config.
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