this challenge is very,very,VERY simple........ the story is that kerbal scientists have found an asteroid heading for kerbin but its to late for them to nuke it or send a kerbal at it at ridiculous what you have to do is launch a colony ship anywhere that isn't closer to kerbin then the mun(to close to the destruction of there lovely green home world). But there's a only have a week(in game). RULES -mods are allowed -your ship HAS to be manned by at least 2 kerbals (for reproduction) -your ship CAN'T be closer to kerbin the the mun -you can have multiple ships i.e one in low minmus orbit and one in orbit around the sun -you can NOT edit part .cfg files POINTING SYSTEM +1 for every 2 kerbals +1 for every 1000 units of electricity +1 for every gigantor solar panals +1 for every 5 stock RTG's EXTRA POINTS +10 "I HAVE THE POWWWWEEEEEERRRRRRRRR" have over 5000 units of power and 5 gigantor solar panels. +15 "just think of all the possibilities" have enough deltaV to go anywhere. +20 "oh........that is a lot of people" have over 50 kerbals aboard. +10 "just because i can" find a meteor mod and watch it fall on the seventh day. +20 "and they said i couldn't" compete it all stock(excluding meteor mod) and have at least 20 kerbals and 5000 units of electricity +15 "its prenounsed new-clee-er" you 50 RTG's (stock or modded it doesn't matter) +a number that i think is appropriate "that looks FLUFFING awesome" make it look cool +5 "radio station" have 15 radar dishes and 20 antenna well i think thats about it high and fly fast.