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  1. Ah ok I understand thank you. It works around the main system just not the secondary star. Would`ve been nice for it to work with both but I`m alright with it just working in the main system.
  2. Hi, I just have a quick question I was wondering if someone could help me. I tried searching but didn´t come up with anything though I imagine the answer is there. I´ve installed kerbalism and beyond home. I notice around kerbol that theres no radiation or belts around the planets or star. Is this an issue that kerbalism doesn´t support multiple stars or would it be a case I needed to create some configs for there to be data there. Thanks
  3. Hi there, I´m using ballisticfox´s updated version of Beyond Home. I´m looking to create a 2.5x rescale config. The only issue I´m having is that when I scale up the system Lua doesn´t seem to be tidally locked to rhode anymore. It´s rotation changes. The sigma dimension configs say that daylengthmultiplier doesn´t affect tidally locked bodies. I still have some more playing around with the configs to do as its my first time doing so but I was just wondering if anyone knows whats causing this. Thanks
  4. Sorry didn't notice your reply. I'll give that a go thanks.
  5. Thats alright. Plenty on your plate with FFT and stuff which I'm just as excited for
  6. I am getting the same issue with the newest version of NF Aeronautics. Also getting errors in the log with NFA parts. FloatCurve: Invalid line. Requires two values, 'time' and 'value' Other than the HVR-Two everything seems to work. Installing the old version with the latest dependencies fixed both issues.
  7. Sorry for quoting an older post in thread not really relevant to the issue but I've experiencing this issue as well with the wheels and your post came up when looking for a solution to the problem. For me the issue is present even on a clean stock install. The Ruggedized wheels are the worst culprit they bounce around like they're on some kind of space hopper. Doesn't matter on what planet they're on same behaviour is present just more exaggerated on the likes of the mun cause of lower gravity. I thought it was an issue with the save as well so loaded up the 1.8.1 install and the problem is present there as well. Just didn't notice because I wasn't using rovers at that point. Not really sure why I'm responding seeing as not offering a solution just thought I'd chime in and say isn't neccessarily the save thats causing it.
  8. Ah ok. Well good to know not the only one. Hadn't seen anyone else mention it
  9. Anyone elses Kerbals moving down through the surface of Eve. Can run down a hill just fine but try running uphill and they start sinking in to the ground. Can jump and it brings them back to the surface but start moving uphill again and they sink in to the surface again then get deleted after its just the head poking out of the ground.
  10. Yeah after looking through other mods and seeing the partset messages coming from there as well they seem to be harmless. The ones I mentioned in the post through do come from cryo engines or tanks. Those o es don't show without either of them being installed. But as they don't cause any issues be keeping the mods in the install.
  11. I only had maybe 10-15 mods installed at that point. Was just going through trying to find what was causing a few other issues. Didn't have USI installed then either. Did have B9 partswitch and CRP in at that point though. Yeah wouldnt expect you to go through mods either to find the cause. After seeing that I was getting the same messages in the VAB for stuff that was there in 145 install but were only showing in 173 I figured they were harmless. Just extra log spam. Wouldn't have got rid of IR anyway too good to do that just thought it was the Eva cause of it and thought should let him rudolf know but I jumped the gun and should have done a little more testing.
  12. @dkavolis I downgraded the version of FAR i was using from v0.15.11.1 to v0.15.10.1 and the NaNs issues seem to have gone. Sorry I have no idea what is causing it. If you need me to try anything or provide anything to help track it down just ask but for now I'll just stick with the downgraded version. Thanks
  13. @kcs123 You were right its not IRnext that was the cause of the part set messages. Had an hour to check it out today. Tried a clean install no messages on EVA. Fired up the install that was showing them before, same deal. Removed IR, no messages. Added IR back in and messages were gone. Reloaded to check again and they were still gone. So I have no idea really what was causing them but they seem to be gone now which is good Assumed it was IR since that was the only mod i added in at that time when they first showed up. Should have probably double checked at the time. Lesson learned. Sorry to have bothered you @Rudolf Meier . Keep up the awesome work.
  14. Ok thats good it seems like a simple fix. Onet hing that would stop me using them on career save. Like having my identifiable kerbals Should really start digging into modding to help out.
  15. Yeah the errors seem to be harmless. Getting a lot of them from cryo tanks as well. The cause of that was present in 145 install as well but only started showing the partset messages in 173. Although the cryo tanks only shows in VAB/SPH I'm sure it's IRnext that's causing the EVA part set messages. I am installing mods one by one to see what was causing some of the errors I was seeing when I just threw it all together in one go and they only appeared after I added IRnext. I'll test it again in the morning after work. I'm sure they don't cause any problems but I just thought I'd let rudolf know.
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