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Everything posted by RiskyRe-entry

  1. FreeThinker previously mentioned "relaying is currently broken but you can retransmit beamed power while having line of sight" and that "relaying will be fixed next release." That's great you could identify the cause of the issue. Otherwise, I am having no problems running KSP with Interstellar. Thanks again for the help and reigniting my interest in KSP with this incredibly in-depth addition to the gameplay. Let me know if there is any more testing I can do, always happy to help!
  2. After some testing (creating the same basic craft and changing the reactor), it seems to be the Pebble Bed reactor causing the problems. I tested almost every reactor (pictures below) using the same design and the Pebble Bed reactor was the only to cause the issue. I'm not sure why the Pebble Bed would cause this, but the issue occurs every time I try to load onto the runway. https://imgur.com/a/NPkAwjH
  3. That's what I figured, I spent a lot of time reading the log but figured I was just missing something (good news is the programming courses I've been taking haven't failed me completely). I started again with a clean install and will do some testing. Hopefully it was just a random occurrence b/c I've played with Interstellar many times in past versions without any issues. If I can identify the cause, I shall let you know. Thanks for the quick responses and the help!
  4. Yes, going back through the log there appears to be some divide by zero, infinities, NaN floating point numbers, and illegal values. My limited (but slowly growing) knowledge of code betrays me but I've provided a link to the log on Dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/meg9qrm638xktgm/KSP.log?dl=0
  5. Hi, I love Interstellar and have very much enjoyed playing with it in previous versions of KSP. However, with 1.7.2, I've encountered a serious issue. When spawning test vehicles and power stations on the runway, either the craft doesn't spawn, or its silhouette appears filled with what seems to be the Kerbin sky. Its something I've experienced with both a modded game and a clean install with only the contents of the Interstellar download. I've included some pictures and videos of the issue, along with the contents of my Game Data folder (there is a video of the loading onto the runway in the link provided). https://imgur.com/a/9udQki9 It could just be an incredibly dumb mistake on my end, but I'd appreciate any input or suggestions on how to resolve the issue.
  6. @Jesusthebird Since downloading World Stabilizer, my SSTO spawn issues have stopped haunting me thankfully. If I were more advanced in my coding abilities, maybe there is a way to read the codes and find what World Stabilizer fixes/overrides in the OPT parts. @whale_2, the WS mod author, describes World Stabilizer's function as: "it intercepts all unpacked (i.e. those affected by physics engine) vessels in the scene right before the physics is about to kick in, determines if they are "submerged" into the ground, raises them slightly above and slowly releases." My (potentially very off-base) guess is it has something to do with some parts having load heights clipping ('submerging') into the ground on load. Might explain why World Stabilizer is helpful stopping OPT SSTOs spawning a thousand meters in the air. There also may be no answer for the Kraken...
  7. @ToastyOats thanks for your advice. I'm using World Stabilizer now and it seems to have fixed the issue. I've done some some research and it may be the load height for the cargo ramps causing them to spawn clipped into the runway and catapulting my planes high above the runway. However, this issue is certainly above my pay-grade, hopefully a more experienced Kerbonaut can find the exact problem in the mod.
  8. I love the mod, by far the most aesthetic appeal in a space plane pack. However, some of my SSTO designs run into real issues. I'm running KSP ver:1.4.5 and use the latest versions of the Legacy and Reconfig files, but when I use the 'Humpback' class tail cargo ramp and 'Avatar' class tail cargo ramp my plane spawns a few hundred meters above the KSC runway. Without these parts, my SSTO spawns normally, but it does prevent me from sending USI rovers to explore/begin colonizing new planets. From the research I've done the world stabilizer mod may help with this problem, but I wanted to check if there is a fix for this or if it's a bug that you could address in a future release. Thank you for your work on such a great mod, and I really hope there is a fix that will allow me to fly more of the SSTOs I've designed.
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