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  1. I just came back to ksp after a long break and I'm having a problem with helicopter rotors, I'll skip to the end here and spare the details. Using a fresh install of ksp 1.4.5, firespitter. Whenever I use the FS copter rotor (using reaction wheels, FS steering disabled) as soon as I fly to 150 meters terrain altitude its like a switch is flipped and roll becomes...squirrely for lack of a better word. 149 meters terrain height everything is fine. Installed atmosphere autopilot mod since I thought it was stock sas being weird and my heli flew even better, I could do all kind of crazy maneuvers with it and the autopilot kept it rock steady...that is until I hit 150 meters radar altitude. My question is this, What happens at that altitude? Some notes on what I've learned: Engines that use ModuleEnginesFX don't behave like this. ksp 1.1.3 doesn't have this problem 1.2.2 onward does.
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