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Everything posted by streetlightlimbo

  1. Aye, I've had the same experience, albeit running Wild Blue on builds of 1.4.5 and 1.4.3. I am now trying it in a GPP pack. Waiting on the initial load and thought I'd check the thread for potential new info. I'd mostly given up until now, opting to spend the past several hours learning MKV. It's a brilliant mod from what I've seen, but I like the concept of "Geo Camping" and moving from site to site a bit better than building perpetual permanent colonies and adding on to them to get them self sufficient. That sounds a lot more RAM intensive. I'm now at the title screen and my RAM is at 91%. Cutting down the graphics got me to 87%... Gonna check the Buckboards real quick before finishing the post. Drumroll.. BUCKBOARDS RECONFIGURABLE! WOOT! I'll be sure to post my GameData folder when I exit as I'm posting this from my phone. I'm excited to get into this mod! EDIT: https://imgur.com/a/DFRXZrD I quickly realized KAS and KIS were missing from this pack since I just threw Pathfinder in, so I've put them in along with a few synergistic mods like Universal Storage. FWIW the only thing in the USI folder is the WarpDrive. Reloading the instance now. I have a feeling this may be the point where this all starts making sense... EDIT 2: The pack still works! To the above I added KIS, KAS, Universal Storage, Connected Living Space, Filter Extensions and Janitors Closet. So just do what I did I guess. Running KSP on 1.4.3 with Making History installed.
  2. Hi! I registered here to mention in this thread that I am also having the issue where the Buckboards are not reconfigurable. I am relatively new to Kerbal Space Program and have been spending wayy too much time trying to put together the perfect modpack. I stumbled across Angel-125's mods this week and am so excited about Pathfinder in particular. I'm really hoping those of us having this issue can figure out the problem so I can get into this pack I've been putting together. I should say that I had one build where the Buckboards did work, but at that time I didn't know this was an issue, and I've since removed that instance of KSP (I have like a half dozen instances right now lol. I'm trying to strike a perfect balance where I have an engaging pack that isn't crippling my framerate - 8gb of RAM only stretches so far) I was on KSP 1.4.5 with basically the same mods as below when I ran into the issue. I saw that most the people here having the problem were also on 1.4.5, so I downgraded to KSP 1.4.3 to no avail. Here's what I've got: 000_AT_Utils 000_USITools B9PartSwitch CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree ConfigurableContainers ConnectedLivingSpace ContractConfigurator CustomBarnKit DMagicOrbitalScience DynamicBatteryStorage EasyVesselSwitch EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements(for SVE configs) Firespitter GroundConstruction KAS KerbalEngineer KIS KS3P MechJeb2 NearFutureConstruction NearFutureElectrical NearFutureProps NearFuturePropulsion NearFutureSolar NearFutureSpacecraft SCANsat Squad SquadExpansion StockVisualEnhancements Strategia TweakScale UmbraSpaceIndustries UniversalStorage WildBlueIndustries ModuleManager.3.1.1.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree WBIPlayMode I should note that I installed all of these at once last night. I installed KSP 1.4.3, loaded up once, then installed all of the above, so I don't think deleting ModuleManagers Cache is going to help. But that will be the first thing I try. Either way, I am looking forward to playing with your mods Angel-125! And I appreciate the posts in this thread documenting the issue I've been having. I might have already given up were it not for them. So thanks to capi3101, RocketSquid and Tolnorus for putting it forth in the first place. EDIT: I just read capi3101's post above about choosing to play in which Resource mode and realized I don't need Community Resource Pack in my pack. It must be a dependency of one or more of the mods I've got installed, so those will have to go first.
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