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Everything posted by SpaceCurt

  1. Kerbart : It worked when i took ARSS off so that was the problem thx! Yes i know that's what i usually do but this time i wanted a config that i could use fast so i tried different things hoping it would work and indeed until i saw this problem everything seemed ok. For MechJeb and Engineer it's because i am used to engineer so i wanted to keep it for the design of my rockets and i added Mechjeb for the ascent control feauture which is not included in KER (or is it?)
  2. Thanks for helping ! Okay I didn't understood what (Almost) Real Solar System was about upon installation. I am trying to get a simulation of a defined launcher's flight as precisely as possible for a school project and I kind of put in all mods that seem to help my purpose on CKAN. That must be it! I going to lauch the game without it to check...
  3. Hi, I've been experiencing trouble to try and get to orbit in modded ksp with Realism Overhaul and Real Solar System (amongst 59 others) . I have tried with a rocket having around 10km/s of dv and I'm still far from LEO... I'm an experienced player with more than 1000h on basic ksp and I know it's harder this way but this is weird I thought... Indeed, my Earth has an equatorial radius of 15928km. I don't know how this is possible since I'd suppose it to be around 6378km? If someone can help then please... I found nothing about this problem on the internet. I am running ksp 1.3.1 64 bits on windows 10. Thank you very much. Earth's radius and installed mods
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