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Everything posted by niickth

  1. Thanks for your reply. In the video posted on the RPM forum thread it shows the MK1-3 which has rpm componants. And in my case, no other pod for that matter has RPM componants.
  2. KSP: Windows 64bit Problem: RasterPropMonitor mod won't load in-game even on fresh install with no other mods. Mods installed: RasterPropMonitor 0.30.5 Module Manager 3.1.1 Reproduction steps: Clean install, place modulemanager and JSI folder in gamedata folder. Load game. No pop ups, errors or otherwise. Create new sandbox save. Load solely a crewed Mk1-3 command pod (EDIT: Or any other pod) on launchpad. Hit view on Pilot screen bottom right hand corner. Still showing stock componants inside. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5kgkifihji3ysip/KSP.log?dl=0 Picture of Gamedata folder:
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