I've had several plane models get off the ground and fly so far, and not a single one of them has been landable in any form. During my descent, I can't get the plane to drop below 70 horizontal m/s by any means. I've read posts about lowering my vertical speed below 5 m/s but even when I do that every single wheel still explodes on contact. I've read about making the back wheels lower than the front wheels so that they touch down first, but they just explode when they do. I've even gone so far as to pull my plane 5 feet up above the runway, kill the engine and attempt to touch down again -- somehow, in the 3 seconds the plane was in the air, the wheels go from perfectly functional to hot dynamite. Honestly I'm tempted to just start using parachutes and give up on landing being a "thing". Here are photos of my latest craft.