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Everything posted by LusitaniaU20

  1. This isn't related to Kerbol, but I haven't seen the plain angular diameter values for the planets/moons at their semi-major axes on this thread, so here are some I've computed: Mun: 1 degree, 54 arc-minutes, 47.56 arc-seconds Duna: 6.3 arc-seconds Dres: 1.4 arc-seconds Jool: 36 arc-seconds Eeloo: 1 arc-second I'll post more diameters later, if I get the time to. (I should, because of Winter Break, but you never know.) Here's a picture of what I calculated Eeloo would look like if viewed from the resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipPjP41XmIkdYFqXF5BCLiKv_yXuJgJmymBoniac
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