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  1. That's almost certainly because JNSQ uses the same internal planet names as the stock planets. So if Blackrack has a config for stock Eve, for instance, then JNSQ's Eve is going to receive that same treatment. But Blackrack's configs are not designed specifically for the JNSQ versions of those planets, so they may not look right in some cases. And the bodies added by JNSQ probably aren't going to have any scatterer effects at all. The two mods really aren't made to work together, so if you run into problems there is likely no fix and you are unlikely to get any support. Officially, JNSQ is made for scatterer 0.0772.
  2. It appears that the color assigned to Voronoi Craters in the config doesn't match the color that's on the biome map. Eventually I'll get around to releasing an update. But in the meantime you can fix it yourself but opening the file Moho.cfg and changing the color to that shown below: Biome { name = VoronoiCraters displayName = #LOC_JNSQ_Biome_VoronoiCraters value = 1 color = #604363 } JNSQ has not been updated to use any of the v0.08x versions of scatterer. If you are using an unpatched version of JNSQ, you should use Scatterer 0.0772. However, I believe there are some third-party patches out there that update JNSQ to work with newer versions.
  3. AVP is made to work with stock KSP, not GPP. If you want to use GPP, don't install AVP.
  4. That's typically only an issue if you press the ESC key. If you close it properly you can reopen it without having to restart the game.
  5. If it is for your own personal use, then you can pretty much do what ever you want. If you plan to share or distribute your changes in any way, then what you did would violate the license. The license prohibits you from editing any part of JNSQ and then redistributing it.
  6. Yeah, that's a common bug whenever a star's atmosphere is edited. For some reason I decided to leave Grannus' atmosphere in there despite the bug. Don't know why I did that. You did the right thing to get rid of it. Or you could just delete the atmosphere entirely. I commented it out in GPP so I could at least see what the atmosphere was intended to be even though I couldn't actually implement it. Grannus actually has two asteroid belts - an inner and an outer. I haven't verified but, by looking at the configs, I see nothing that should stop them from spawing if GPP_Secondary is installed.
  7. The current version works with 1.12.1 through 1.12.5.
  8. When launching you can select from any of the alternate launch sites, but there's no built in ability (that I know of) to change the location of KSC. If you really want to change the KSC location, you'll have to do it yourself by selecting a new location and writing a patch that relocates KSC and its map decal.
  9. I believe that's true. I haven't tested it with volumetric clouds or Parallax specifically, but I don't see why things couldn't co-exist and work perfectly fine.
  10. As long as it's your own original work and doesn't violate the JNSQ license, then you really don't need permission.
  11. I don't know what the latest versions of scatterer looks like, I've never played past 0.772. When I say I don't want to change JNSQ in any appreciable way, I mean I don't want to do stuff like change sky color. If the new scatterer can make the atmospheres look more realistic while retaining the same basic characteristics of the old atmospheres, then that's certainly something I'd like to do.
  12. @zakkpaz, @MOPC You guys are certainly free to make your own configs to change JNSQ anyway you want to. You're obviously trying to bring your own vision to life, and I can appreciate that. However, for anything that I may want to consider incorporating into JNSQ in a future release, it must remain true to JNSQ's original vision. For instance, updated scatterer configs should just make JNSQ compatible with the current version without really changing JNSQ in any appreciable way. Same with volumetirc clouds - JNSQ should keep its current clouds as much as possible, they should just become, well, volumetric. I'm not implying it's your plan to have your work incorporated into JNSQ. For your own personal use, or as a independent release, do whatever you want, provided it doesn't violate the JNSQ license. But if it is your goal to create something that may be added to JNSQ in the future, you know now what will be considered acceptable and what won't.
  13. Updating has been on my wish list for a couple years now. I've actually completed most of it but then just hit a wall and lost motivation. Hopefully I'll complete it someday sooner rather than later. I have no plan, however, to do either volumetric clouds or parallax. If I'm not motivated to finish what I already know what to do, I'm certainly not motivated to figure out something new. I'm going to count on third parties to come up with their own patches for that stuff, which they can share on their own, or perhaps I might be willing to incorporate into the mod as a pull request.
  14. That's strange. I've never had mipmaps cause an issue like that. Generally mipmaps are recommended for color maps.
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