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Everything posted by bluntspoon

  1. Thank you for your reply. Inside the VAB, on the left there are the tabs "Pods", "Fuel Tanks", "Engines", "Command and Control", "Structural", "Coupling", "Payload", "Aerodynamics", "Ground", "Thermal", "Electrical", "Communications", "Science", "Utility" At the bottom, there are buttons for "Manual", "Δv Tools", "Engineer's Report", the untitled button, with a heart beat trace that belongs to Kerbalism, "Messages"
  2. I've not played KSP for a while, so I just reinstalled it and the Kerbalism mod and the other required mods for everything to work. I started a new game, and I can see pressurized tanks and supply containers in the research tech tree, but they're not available in the construction screen. How can I fix this?
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