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Everything posted by neil470

  1. It seems you've mixed up semi-major axis (a in the equation) with periapsis (r) - they are not interchangeable except in the case of a circular orbit. The semi-major axis for a hyperbolic orbit is negative, not infinite. We would need to know some other information about the asteroid's initial orbit to obtain the semi-major axis - eccentricity for example. Though, you did correctly set the lower bound for the asteroid's velocity using the escape velocity equation, calculated at the asteroid's periapsis. I'm still trying to figure this problem out - it's got me stumped. And, just a nitpick - the equation for kinetic energy comes from Newton's first law (F = m*dv/dt) and some calculus, not the third law.
  2. This is so beautiful it made me cry. Donated! Do the greenhouses in this mod function just like the original SETI greenhouses? I see that the standalone SETI greenhouses convert food to "nutrients" which is required for plant growth, but yours don't. There is mention of "minerals" but they aren't actually used by the greenhouse.
  3. This is exactly what I was looking for when designing my Eve lander. Thank you for putting the time into looking into it. Using the info you provided, I made a spreadsheet that runs through the terminal velocity calculations for your chosen craft mass, body, and parachute setup. While it's fairly simple and there's not much to go wrong, I take no responsibility for Jebediah's safety during descent.
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