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Everything posted by Hellsbain

  1. so bottom line if your perfect go for it if your me bring 35% more dV then needed and still probably run out of fuel. XP
  2. ok kinda new to the math but from what i see here it looks to me like a combination would be the most efficient and complicated. if you did your role and set up for an orbit but then kept going without normalizing you should then reduce gravity drag and in save some fuel right? like I said Im still trying to rap my head around this so correct me if Im wrong.
  3. So i can play for a few min without it crashing but when i change locations (flight to command center or hanger to launchpad) after about 30 min it will crash. I have did a clean install with the latest steam edition. my drivers are good and Im running 64bit with 8 gigs of ram. Error log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cxwf_kTzYAfF7idM9hK29pwsbGfNodJk output log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZmSwBJ7QQf9_S96Mv6YYDsR-cDMObiab Any ideas would be great i cant figure this out. Edit: I just found that every time the game closes/crashes there is at least 1 file that dose not validate thru steam. now Im even more confused.
  4. Ya I have 8 gigs and updated a week ago. Thank you for all your help Ill start a new one and now I know where to find all the pertinent information.
  5. thanks for the help with that here it is output log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZmSwBJ7QQf9_S96Mv6YYDsR-cDMObiab
  6. so that file dosnt exist for me i have the game on steam and launch from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\ksp_x64 i did a search and the other didnt come up
  7. Sorry about that. To be more specific I can play for 30min to an hour and then the game crashes. Always while changing locations. From a ship to the command center or from there to the hanger etcetera. Error log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cxwf_kTzYAfF7idM9hK29pwsbGfNodJk I dont know where to find the output log.
  8. i have the same problem. 0 mods running 64bit in a 64bit os. any suggestions for me to try for trouble shooting this?
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