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Everything posted by TotemicWeevil

  1. I have encountered a possible bug/issue with robotics and a lack of power when one of my base modules in physics range (mun base) runs out of power. Every piece of robotics goes into slowmo when adjusting traverse rates and/or target angles -- by which I mean the animation is very, very slow and jerky - and the game misses some of the animation(s). The game sort of slows down - although that might just have been my PC and not the game. I resolved the issue by moving a few of the modules (those that have wheels due to a contract) to an orientation where they were able to get direct sunlight, but I thought I should warn others of a possible problem that they might encounter.
  2. To try and work out which mod is causing my issue I've backed up all my mods - then deleted the whole lot and am reinstalling each one seperately - playing for a bit to see if the problem reoccurs or not. Will keep you posted.
  3. I'll get rid of the mod and re-run the game to check.. I mentioned this mod in my previous post. UPDATE: I deleted CustomBarnKit and Hangar Extender and the problem/issue is still present in the game.
  4. It happens to every craft I create eventually or on a duplicate of a launched ship. I am on Steam although I run it via CKAN's launch KSP button. As for the save games I never get far enough to loose a great deal of progress as this happens to me very early on most game starts - on the odd occassion that I do manage to get a satellite launched it happens just shortly thereafter. I've deleted and reinstalled the mods after replacing the original game files through Steam's file integrity checker thingy. Mods, in no particular order: ModuleManager, AblativeAirbrake, AlternateResourcePanel, AlternatorsForAll, AntennaHelper, AntennaSleep, TexturesUnlimited, AutoAction, AutoAsparagus, AstronomersVisualPack, B9PartSwitch, BetterCrewAssignment, BetterLoadSaveGame, CapCom, ClickThroughBlocker, CommunityResourcePack, ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch, ContractConfigurator-KerbalAcademy, ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation, ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech, ContractConfigurator-Tourism, ContractParser, ContractsWindowPlus, ControlSurfaceToggle, CorrectCoL, CraftManager, CrewLight, CrowdSourcedScience, CustomBarnKit - am curious to see if it could be this one at fault, DatedQuickSaves, DistantObject, DistantObject-default, DMagicOrbitalScience, DraggableNavball, DynamicBatteryStorage, EVAHandrailsPackContinued, EVAParachutes, FilterExtensions, FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig, Firespitter, FirespitterCore, FirespitterResourcesConfig, FlagPack, FMRSContinued, FuelEfficientPilots, FullAutoStrut, FuseBoxContinued, GravityTurnContinued, HangerExtenderExtended, InternalRCS, InterstellarFuelSwitch, InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core, Kartographer, KAS, KeepItStraight, KEI, KerbalAlarmClock, KerbalEngineerRedux, KerbalFoundriesContinued, KerbalImprovedSaveSystem, KerbalInventorySystemNoFun, KerbalJointReinforcementContinued, KerbalXMod, KIS, KSPWheel, KXAPI, Landertron, LandingAIM, MagiCore, MechJeb2, MechJebForAll, MiniAirbrakes, MissingHistory, ModActions, NavballDockAlignIndCE, NearFutureConstruction, NearFutureElectrical, NearFutureElectrical-Core, NearFutureElectrical-DecayingRTGs, NearFutureLaunchVehicles, NearFutureProps, NearFuturePropulsion, NearFuturePropulsion-LowThrustEP, NearFutureSolar, NearFutureSolar-Core, newReactionWheels, NMSG, OrbitalSurveyPlus, PartMapper, PlanetShine, PlanetShine-Config-Default, PreciseManeuver, PylonFix, RealBattery, RealChute, RealPlume, RealPlume-StockConfigs, RealTimeClock2, ReCoupler, RecoveryController, RemoteTech, RemoteTechStockConfigs, RockomaxSLSPartTextures, SafeChute, SAVE, SCANsat, Scatterer, Scatterer-config, Scatterer-sunflare, ScienceAlert, Science-Full-Transmit, ScienceRevisitedRevisited, SETI-RemoteTech, ShowAllFuelsContinued, SlingShotterReslung, SmallTweaks, SmartParts, SmartStage, SmokeScreen, Snacks, StageRecovery, StateFundingContinued, StationKeeping, StationScienceContinued, Suppliesbackpack, SurfaceExperimentPack, Toolbar, ToolbarController, ToughLove, TrackingStationEvolved, TriggerAu-Flags, TweakableEverythingCont, TweakScale, TweakscaleMakingHistoryConfigs, UICore, UniversalStorage, UniversalStorage2, UniversalStorageStockResourceFuelCell, UnmannedTech, USI-Core, USI-EXP, USI-FTT, USI-LS, USITools, VABReorienter, VaporVent, WaypointManager, WernhersOldBits, WorldStabilizer, xScience, EasyVesselSwitch, CommunityTechTree, EngineLighting, NearFutureSpacecraft, StationPartsExpansion, ConnectedLivingSpace, EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, TexturesUnlimited-UnofficialStockConfig, ProgressParser, ContractConfigurator, ToadicusToolsContinued, CommunityCategoryKit, RCSBuildAidCont, KerbalKonstructs, Astrogator, BetterBurnTime, BetterSRBs, DecoupleWithControl, IntegratedStackDecouplers, ConfigurableContainers-Core, RN-SPP, CargoTransportationSolutions, AVP-4kTextures, TextureReplacer, CommNetManager, CommNetVisualisation, CriticalTemperatureGauge, FlightPlan, HeatControl, ScienceRelay, LCAproject, ResonantOrbitCalculator, KerbnetController, KerbalGPSRevived, ExperimentTracker, BOMPs, BonVoyage
  5. It's a shame that most of the information on the OP is out of date. Is there anyone who's a lot more experienced at KSP than I willing to replicate/update this? Btw, I'm a total NEWB when it comes to KSP!
  6. KSP 1.6 I searched around a bit and couldn't find anything related to this bug. Basically, when I'm in the VAB and I'm ready to do a launch (for testing purposes) I click the Save icon and then Launch icon and 8 out 10 times nothing happens. The game still runs as seen by the wee Kerbals running about doing their jobs and the vehicles doing their rounds... But for some reason I can't leave the VAB. Sometimes this bug happens out on the main screen too.. it doesn't allow me to enter any buildings - for example, when I click on R&D the game says that this building is closed. Pressing ALT+F12 and clearing the input locs doesn't help either - I read in another post that doing this is supposed to unlock the icons and let the game proceed but it doesn't for me. I'm not sure where the logs for the crash are kept (assuming that they are automatically output) so I can't post any further information here - but if some kind soul informs me of their location and how to turn them on in game if they aren't already, I'll post the output. If anyone can help please offer your solutions and thank you in advance. -- Windows 10 Pro, build 1809, 16 gb ram, Ryzen 1600x 4 Ghz, 1050 Ti (I know this lets me down... )
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