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  1. I think you should add a KerbalKonstructs runway where the runway is, so we can launch our planes from there.
  2. I installed the master version from github and it works perfectly. Thanks!
  3. So the 16k isn't the new heightmaps? Edit: I fixed it, the ckan version for RSS is 1.8.0 and the new one appears to the on the RSS github. I'm going to see if it works Edit 2: Appears to still crash, but its due to another error with kopernicus. I think installing the official 16k RSS-Textures should fix it. Edit 3: Appears it works. Is the original KSC still supposed to be visible? Edit 4: Appears I can't use Kerbal Konstructs to change my launchpad. Thanks for the help anyway
  4. I keep getting the error [Kopernicus]: Only DXT1, DXT5, A8, RGB24, RGBA32, RGB565, ARGB4444, RGBA4444, 4bpp palette and 8bpp palette are supported [Kopernicus]: failed to load {KSP-DIR}/GameData/RSS-Textures/PluginData/EarthHeight.dds I think it might be incompatible with VaNnadin's 16K RSS which I also have installed. I did overwrite the one included with the Textures with the one in your mod, so it might also be an incompatibility with your mod. Do you think its just a corrupted download?
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